
Sunday, June 26, 2016

Talking about social life

Sosial life problem that often accur is about poverty, health, and education. Eventually, led of crime and issue, such as sex crime, robbery and theft, starving, murder etc.

The way to overcome this issue is:

  1. Providing jobs. Beside the goverment should play on active role to providing jobs. Every citizen should also can to seek for bussines opportunities for their life necessary. Among with many learening thecniques bussines. Trying to make a succesfull answer job interview question for easy to get work
  2. Fufillment education. Smart card that was distributed to nitizen is one of solution to this problem. But when talking about succes of education, the tios of the spear is on the education , they must have ability to educated good
  3. Economic. Educate the public to be businessman is also a man stay of many developing countries , to solve their social life problem in their country
  4. Healt service, medical card was gave to the poor could be a solution for they that squezed economic problem
  5. Another thing, provision of aduquate public pacilities  often also perceived as a solution for people live in remote area.

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